'Caught Between Two Cultures: A young African women’s sexual and reproductive health project' aims to enhance young African women’s confidence, independence and capacity to make informed decisions about their health, safety and wellbeing now and into the future.
The overarching goal of the program is to prevent the practice of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) among young African women within Melbourne’s western region.
Community consultation identified that young African women who have undergone FGM/C require tailored sexual and reproductive health education and information that responds to their unique health, safety and wellbeing needs in a culturally sensitive manner.
The intensive seven day workshop uses a participatory approach that works to increase young women’s individual, social and civic decision-making power as a mechanism to support sexual and reproductive health and prevent the practice of FGM/C.
Prioritising the self-empowerment of young women is central to this project, as is building broader community consensus for the rights of women and girls.
The purpose of this manual is to help support service providers and/or individuals to deliver a program that is culturally sensitive and appropriate for young African women from communities known to practice FGM/C.
The manual outlines the project purpose and approach, how to implement and evaluate the program, and provide resources and tools that support session delivery.